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P2PFISY 2023 - A Journey Made Through Rome

November 15, 2023
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On 26th - 27th September the ninth edition of P2PFISY made its way to the gorgeous city of Rome, Italy and put on a wonderful display of policy knowledge and academic prowess in the fields of Traditional and Emerging Finance, Digital Currency, and Sustainability. 

What You Need To Know

Five key insights from the 9th P2P Financial Systems International Workshop (P2PFISY 2023):

  • “European and global financial systems are at a pivotal stage; increased inter-bank and institutional regulation, with specific measures attributed to adopting PSD3, is paramount to witness meaningful change to financial risk and improvement.”

  • “Public infrastructure to facilitate smoother retail experiences, as well as deliver on protecting security concerns, especially in the underbanked regions of the world, continues to play a pivotal role in transforming inclusive regulatory frameworks.” 

  • “Advanced research methods depict a new beginning for payment solutions. The integration of TradFi with blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, CBDCs, and stablecoins is fostering novel relationships across key actors in financial services.”

  • “Innovative technological and environmental explorations of identifying, producing, exchanging, and scoring large datasets of information compared with consumer behaviour is progressively becoming the biggest areas of industry research.”

  • “Existing challenges to effective impact investing and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reporting needs to be continuously re-evaluated independent of the reputation of larger enterprises, small-to-medium businesses, and rising startups.” 

We were also very honoured to be joined by a breadth of new international academic findings showcased exclusively on both days of the 2-day workshop!

The Following Themes Were Discussed: 

>> The Crypto Multiplier by Rod Garratt | featuring Francesco Pierangeli 

>> Making It Through The (Crypto) Winter: Facts, Figures and Policy Issues by Guerino Ardizzi and Marco Bevilacqua | featuring Nadia Pocher 

>> Yield Farming for Liquidity Provision by Andrew Papanicolaou | featuring Marius Jurgilas 

>> Interest Rate Parity in Decentralized Finance by Ganesh Viswanath-Natraj | featuring Marius Jurgilas 

>> Reserve-Backed Tokens, and is it Time for Narrower Banks by Tirupam Goel | featuring Geoffrey Goodell 

>> Financial and Informational Integration Through Oracle Networks by Daniel Rabetti | featuring Tomaso Aste 

If you would like to have access to conference materials, please contact! 

Overall, DSF would like to specially thank the amazing list of speakers coming in to support the true purpose of Dr. Paolo Tasca’s vision for this workshop.

We Are Thankful to:

  • Basak Toprak (EMEA Head of Coin Systems, Onyx by J.P. Morgan) 
  • Francesco Pierangeli ( Assistant Professor of Finance, University of Birmingham) 
  • Rod Garrat (Senior Adviser, Bank for International Settlements) 
  • Sandra Ro (CEO, Global Blockchain Business Council) 
  • Marius Jurgilas (Professor of Practice, Vilnius University and former Board Member for Bank of Lithuania) 
  • Andrew Papanicolaou (Associate Professor, North Carolina State University) 
  • Geoffrey Goodell (Lecturer, University College London) 
  • Daniel Rabetti (Assistant Professor of Accounting and Finance, National University of Singapore) 
  • Tomaso Aste (Professor and Scientific Director, University College London Centre for Blockchain Technologies) 
  • Ganesh Viswanath Natraj (Assistant Professor, Warwick Business School) 
  • Enrico Bernardini (Deputy Head of Climate and Sustainability Hub, Banca d’Italia) 
  • Enrico Foscolo (PhD, Banca ‘Italia) 
  • Massimo Doria (Deputy Director General for Currency Circulation and Retail Payments and Head of the Innovation Centre Milano Hub, Banca d’Italia) 
  • Kristina Lucrezia Cornèr (Editor-in-Chief, Cointelegraph) 
  • Giorgio Andreoli (Director General, European Payments Council) 
  • Leonardo Gambacorta (Head of Innovation and the Digital Economy, Bank for International Settlements) 
  • Livio Tornetta (Director General for Currency Circulation and Retail Payments, Banca d’Italia) 
  • Marcello Miccoli (Senior Financial Sector Expert in Monetary and Capital Markets Department, International Monetary Fund) 
  • Stefano Siviero (Deputy Director General for Markets and Payments Systems, Banca d’Italia) 
  • Patrizio Pagano (Head of the Secretariat to the Governing Board Directorate, Banca d’Italia) 
  • Kerstin Junius (Senior Market Infrastructure Expert, European Central Bank) 
  • Niall Roche (Founding Partner, The Building Blocks and Senior Teaching Fellow and CTO-in-Residence, University College London School of Management) 
  • Ulrich Bindseil (Director General Market Infrastructure and Payments, European Central Bank) 
  • Nilixa Devlukia (CEO, Payments Solved) 
  • Harish Natarajan (Lead Financial Sector Specialist on Payments and Market Infrastructures) 
  • Tirupam Goel (Economist, Bank for International Settlements) 
  • Laura Rinaldi (Head of the Financial Sector and Access to Finance, DG-REFORM, European Commission) 
  • Daniel Fozzati (Founding Partner, The Building Blocks) 
  • Filippo Zatti (Associate Professor of Economic Law, University of Florence) 
  • Gimede Gigante (Professor of Financial Markets and Institutions, Bocconi University) 
  • Helena Zhang (Director, Asian Institute of Digital Finance) 
  • Mandar Agashe (Founder and Vice Chairman, Sarvatra Technologies) 
  • Marco Bevilacqua (Head of Fintech Section, Banca d’ITalia) 
  • Guerino Ardizzi (Senior Economist, Banca d’Italia) 
  • Nadia Pocher (Postdoctoral Researcher in Information Systems, SnT Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust) 
  • Maria Chiara Malaguti (Università Cattolica Sacro del Cuore) 
  • Paolo Tasca (Chairman of DLT Science Foundation and executive Director of University College London Centre for Blockchain Technologies)
  • Alessandra Perrazzelli (Deputy Governor, Banca d’Italia) 


So, P2PFISY 2023 was a resounding success thanks to our incredible lineup of speakers and engaged attendees. Pertinent conversations were held to bring attention to some of the most pressing agendas affecting societies and individuals from all over the world. The underlying international collaboration continues to be the strongest form of contribution to innovating, implementing, and regulating: Instant Payments and Open Finance; Financial Stability and Inclusivity; and Sustainable Finance and ESG agendas. We are already looking forward to next year's event and hope you'll join us. In the meantime, stay tuned for more insights and updates from our team.

Thank you for being part of our journey to shape the future of financial systems and technology!